Award of Contract for Trash Pick-Up and Disposal from City of Gainesville Regional Transit System (RTS) Bus Stops (B)
This item is a request to approve the contractor selected to provide pick-up and disposal of trash from City of Gainesville Regional Transit System (RTS) Bus Stops.
The Purchasing Division solicited bid proposals for an annual contract for the pick-up and disposal of trash from the RTS bus stops. A total of five (5) bids were received. After evaluation of the bids, staff recommended award of the contract to Glen Bellamy Landscaping LLC. This contract was executed and has since been terminated. Staff conferred with Purchasing and is recommending the award of this contract to the next lowest responsive bidder which is Waste Management, Inc., of Florida. This contract will commence upon execution and expire on September 30, 2009, with the option to extend the term of this contract for a 12-month period with a maximum of three such extensions as described in Section 4 of the contract.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the approximated amount of $53,234.64 is available in the RTS FY08 budget and in the proposed RTS FY09 budget for the contract for Trash Pick-up and Disposal from RTS Bus Stops.
The City Commission: 1) approve the award of the contract to Waste Management, Inc., of Florida; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Waste Management, Inc., of Florida in the amount not to exceed $53,234.64, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission not award the contract to Waste Management, Inc., to provide Pick-up and Disposal of Trash from RTS Bus Stops, would require issuance of a new Invitation to Bid.