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File #: 210502.    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 10/5/2021 In control: City Manager
On agenda: 10/21/2021 Final action: 10/21/2021
Title: Bid Award for Homeowner Education Campaign (B)
Attachments: 1. 210502A_210043-Bid Record_20211021, 2. 210502B_210043-Eval-1_20211021, 3. 210502C_210043-Eval-2_20211021, 4. 210502D_210043-Eval-3_20211021, 5. 210502E_210043-Eval-4_20211021, 6. 210502F_210043-References_10211021, 7. 210502G_210043-RFP-HOUS-Homeowner Education Campaign FINAL_20211021, 8. 210502H_210043-Submittal-Three Rivers_20211021, 9. 210502I_210043-Waive Orals - FE_20211021, 10. 210502J_Copy of 210043-Minimum Requirements_20211021, 11. 210502K_210043-Recording of Homeowner Evaluation Meeting_20211021
Bid Award for Homeowner Education Campaign (B)

The Housing & Community Development Division (HCD) is seeking City Commission approval to retain the services of Three Rivers Legal Services, Inc. (TRLS), resulting from their successful selection during the recent Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The City of Gainesville (City) sought proposals from qualified non-profit or for-profit legal services organizations or attorneys to provide legal assistance by providing homeowner education workshops.

The HCD Office plans to launch a Homeowner Education Campaign to educate homeowners about their legal rights related to Heirs Property, Estate Planning, Probate, the pros and cons of selling their home, and how to spot predatory practices. The Homeowner Education campaign will be available Citywide; however, strong campaign emphasis will focus on preservation of historic communities such as NW 5th Avenue, Pleasant Street, Porters, Duval, Lincoln Estates and Grove Street areas. The expected outcome of this campaign is to ensure overall awareness of homeowner’s rights and responsibilities associated with preserving property ownership.

Three Rivers Legal Services will provide legal education presentations to the noted targeted communities at the flat rate of $1,500 per quarter for an annual total of $6,000.00. The flat rate will include all costs associated with developing, promoting and conducting the outreach presentations, such as marketing (including materials and advertising) and the Attorney and staff time involved in developing and conducting the presentations. The presentations format will be for 60-mintue sessions with additional time for questions at the end.

The Evaluation Committee reviewing the proposal from TRLS agreed that TRLS met all programmatic requirements in response to minimum qualification guidelines. The agency employs current Florida Bar member attorneys, licensed by the Supreme Court of Florida, and other hig...

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