Update on Redevelopment Projects (NB)
Staff has been asked to provide an update on several redevelopment projects.
Model Block Project Update- The first house, Site A, in the Pleasant Street Model Block area, is in the process of being sold. Staff received three bids for Site A. The top offer for the house is $145,000, well exceeding the minimum bid of $126,000. Staff and counsel are in the process of preparing for the closing of the property. Construction on the second house, Site B, is nearing completion with a ribbon cutting ceremony expected at the end of June or beginning of July. Site D construction will begin shortly.
Northwest 5th Avenue Streetscape- Construction documents are under review.
University Avenue Interim Improvements - The Bartlett Building is undergoing an extensive façade improvement as approved through the College Park/University Heights Façade Grant Program. Wild Iris Books is nearing completion with Phase II of the previously approved façade grant. Development of a baseline inventory from Waldo Road to Northwest 20th Street has been completed and a kick-off meeting with FDOT has been held. The 100 block of University Avenue has been selected as a pilot project area for planters and baskets to improve aesthetics on the corridor.
Porter Neighborhood Sidewalk Needs - Staff is proceeding with citing a location for sidewalks after the Downtown Redevelopment Advisory Board recommended $10,000 be spent on improving sidewalks in this neighborhood.
College Park/University Heights Stormwater Master Plan and Sorority Woods Feasibility Study - Consultant Jones Edmunds will be presenting these items at the July 5 College Park/University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board meeting.
Fiscal Note
None at this time
Executive Director to the CRA: Hear update from staff.