State Emergency Medical Services Matching Grant (NB)
On January 10, 2005, the City Commission authorized staff to apply to the State of Florida for a State Emergency Medical Services Matching Grant to replace Gainesville Fire Rescue's three-lead EKG monitor/defibrillators with 12-lead monitor/defibrillators.
Fiscal Note
The Emergency Medical Services Grant was approved for a total cost of $199,577.33, with a state award of $149,683 (75%) and a local match of $49,894.33 (25%). Funds for the 25% local match require an FY 2005 budget amendment. The City anticipates receiving reimbursement from the Florida Fire College which would fund the local match.
The City Commission: 1) accept the $149,683 grant award from the State of Florida; 2) authorize the Interim City Manager to execute all necessary documents; and 3) use funds available from grant reimbursements in the amount of $49,894.33.