Recreation and Parks Department Facility Naming Policy (B)
In 2001 and 2002, members of the Public Recreation Board performed numerous hours of research on the development of a proposed naming policy for City owned parks and recreation facilities. In 2002, due to a change of board members, this proposed policy was never finalized for presentation to the City Commission. In late 2003, long-time city tennis pro Mike Oransky's wife passed away unexpectedly, and in November of that year staff and citizens together proposed to re-name the Westside tennis center after Joyce Oransky. At the time, members of the City Commission asked if there was any formal naming policy in the City. Staff informed Commissioners that work had been done on a policy, but a draft was never finalized. As a result of the re-naming of the tennis center, and at the Commission's encouragement, the Public Recreation Board re-visited this topic, composing a draft policy for review. Since this policy would affect all areas of the Recreation & Parks Department, it was important to include the Nature Centers Commission in the formulation of the proposed policy. As a result, both the Public Recreation Board and the Nature Centers Commission have jointly developed and approved for recommendation a proposed naming policy for active city parks, nature parks and their associated facilities.
The Department presented this draft policy to the Recreation and Cultural Affairs Committee (RCA) at its June 15, 2005 meeting. The RCA Committee approved the Department's recommendation.
The RCA Committee to City Commission: approve the proposed draft Recreation and Parks Department Facility Naming Policy and remove this item from the RCA Committee referral list.