Downtown Southwest Quadrant Parking Facility (B)
The project architect has completed the preliminary architectural plans for the Downtown Southwest Quadrant Parking Facility. This project is located on the site of the existing City Parking Lot 10 (block bounded by SW 1st Avenue, SW 1st Street, SW 2nd Avenue and SW 2nd Street). The structure will consist of a total of five or six levels with office/retail space on the first level and four or five levels of parking. The entry/exit is located on SW 2nd Street.
The exterior design for the ground level and first level of parking represents storefronts with overhanging awnings. The second through fourth or fifth levels of parking have a decorative grillwork exterior.
The approval of the preliminary architectural plans for the facility will allow the design team to proceed with final architectural drawings and submission for site plan approval by the Development Review Board. The project timeline calls for the project to go to bid in June 2002, award the bid for construction in September 2002, and complete the construction in late summer of 2003. This will coincide with the completion of the new County Courthouse in the fall of 2003.
Fiscal Note
The preliminary cost estimate for the facility based on the plans to date is $7 million for five levels of parking (506 parking spaces) and $6 million for four levels of parking (398 spaces). These amounts may be adjusted based on selection of materials.
The City Commission: 1) hear a presentation by the project architect on the architectural plans for the Downtown Southwest Quadrant Parking Facility; and 2) approve the preliminary architectural plans for the facility.