Reimbursement for Oversizing of Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Facilities at Garison Way (NB)
Garison Way is a 126 lot single-family residential development being developed by G.W. Robinson Builders located in the 3200-3500 block of SW 75th Street (east side of roadway). A gravity collection system, Force Main (FM), and sewage lift (pumping) station must be constructed to provide wastewater service for the project. The lift station and FM will connect to an existing 20” FM located in the Eastern Right-of-Way of SW 75th Street. The Garison Way project must also construct a potable water distribution system to serve the development and a reclaimed water system to provide irrigation for landscaping.
Staff has determined there is a significant hydraulic bottleneck (i.e., limitation of flow capacity) in the existing 20” FM along Tower Road between SW 24th Avenue and SW 41st Place. The installation of a parallel 24” FM will alleviate this bottleneck and provide capacity for projected future increased wastewater flows. Providing a redundant pipeline as proposed here provides a significant benefit to our system in the event of a break in the existing FM. In the past, W/WW Engineering has planned to provide a parallel FM along Stage Coach Road from KWRF that would extend North approximately 4,400 Linear Feet (LF) to SW 24th Avenue.
The Garison Way project provides an opportunity to shorten the FM route (as compared to the latter option discussed above) by approximately 3,300 LF. Approximately 1,600 LF of the proposed 24” FM will be installed as part of this project and GRU WW Construction will continue installation of the remaining 2,500 LF across City of Gainesville (COG) owned property East to the KWRF headworks. GRU Water & Wastewater Engineering is also currently pursuing services for an underground utility survey along SW 75th Street north of Garison Way to design a route for the remaining 2,600 LF of 24” FM to SW 24th Aven...
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