Approval of a Design for Fire Station # 8 (B)
This item involves a request for approval of the design of Fire Station #8. The Fire Station is a 3 bay 9,000 square feet building that will provide living quarters for five (5) fire personnel, a classroom and a training area. Staff's goal is to achieve Silver certification for the building using the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.
On April 7, 2008 the City entered into an agreement to have Bentley Architects and Engineers provide architectural services for the design of Fire Station #8. The approximate 9,000 square foot fire station will be located in the vicinity of 4127 NW 34th Street. The hardened and LEED certified building will house five fire personnel as well as provide covered parking for fire trucks, with washing facilities, in each of the three bays. The fire station will provide all areas necessary to deliver 24 hour fire and medical services to the community and will be constructed with amenities that conform to local community standards. The design team includes representatives from the neighborhood.
Fiscal Note
There is $4.9 million dollars available in a 2005 Capital Improvement Revenue Bond.
The City Commission approve the design of Fire Station #8.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission approve the design of fire station # 8 with conditions.