Decorative Aluminum Fencing for Greentree and Northeast Park (B)
This item involves the replacement of old chain link fencing along the boundaries of Greentree and Northeast Parks, with decorative black aluminum fencing to improve the appearance along the roadway.
The City Commission allocated $75,000 from Capital Improvement Recreation Bond (CIRB) monies to improve the fencing along Greentree and Northeast Parks. This fence will replace the chain link fence that currently borders the northern boundary along Northeast 16th Avenue at Northeast Park, and the boundary at Greentree Park that runs along Northwest 39th Avenue as well as Northwest 19th Street. The Demandstar program sent bids to 194 fence companies; 20 of those downloaded the bid document, and 8 responded with bids. Staff reviewed all bids and determined that B & T Contractors was the lowest most responsible bidder at $68,559.90. It will cost $27,221.55 to replace the fencing along Northeast Park, and $41,338.35 to replace the fencing along Greentree Park. The proposed decorative black aluminum fencing will dramatically improve the appearance of both park boundaries.
Fiscal Note
Funds in the amount of $68,559.90 for Northeast Park and Greentree Park decorative fence are allocated in 335-850-C380-5720-6030 CIRB Capital Project funds.
The City Commission: 1) approve the bid award to B & T Contractors; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the contract and issue a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $68,559.90.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission deny the request.