FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Applications (B)
The City of Gainesville participates in the Alachua County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS), and has numerous hazard mitigation projects listed within it. On July 12, 2004, (references: File Number 040145 and Resolution #040145), the City Commission identified the FEMA Pre Disaster Mitigation Grant and FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs as suitable funding sources for hazard mitigation projects, and requested and instructed staff to pursue available funding opportunities for implementing the proposals listed.
States are among the eligible applicants for these funds. Local jurisdictions must apply to the state requesting to be a sub-grantee of the State. In compliance with City Commission direction, staff is preparing to submit grant applications for FEMA hazard mitigation grant funds. These applications are undergoing review by the State, and if successful, will be forwarded by the State to FEMA for a funding determination.
The hazard mitigation grant projects, the cost of each, the FEMA funds and the required match are shown in the back-up material.
Fiscal Note
Each successful FEMA Pre Disaster Mitigation or Hazard Mitigation grant project will require a 25% match. Funds are available from the proceeds of the 2005 First Florida Governmental Financing Commission Bond Issue.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the Interim City Manager to apply for FEMA Mitigation Grants for each of these mitigation projects; and if awarded, 2) authorize the encumbrance of the required matching funds; 3) execute the grant agreements, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 4) authorize the Interim City Manager to approve the required payments process for expending grant funds as needed.