Roadway Median Solicitations and Panhandling (NB)
Staff will update the City Commission on issues related to solicitation of funds and panhandling from City medians and right of ways.
Gainesville Police Department staff will a make presentation on solicitation of funds and panhandling from City medians and right of ways. Commission comment of February 26, 2007 expressed concern regarding this behavior and referenced the numerous solicitors and panhandlers which have seemed to increase greatly within the last few months. The presentation will focus on efforts to combat this trend in the past, recent history leading to escalation of this behavior, current legal restrictions prohibiting GPD enforcement, and options for resolution.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission hear a presentation from Gainesville Police Department staff on solicitation of funds and panhandling from City medians and right of ways and options to resolve. The City Commission request the City Attorney to amend the ordinance to ban solicitation of funds and panhandling in the median.
Alternative Recommendation A: None
Alternative Recommendation B: None