Eastside Gateway Bid (B)
The CRA is planning to construct a landscaped gateway feature on the former-Tacklebox site at 1490 SE Hawthorne Road, which the CRA has owned since June 2005. The ERAB reviewed the design concept created by Zamia Design Landscape Architecture in May 2007 and recommended that the CRA approve the design. In July 2007 the design was submitted to the CRA and approved. The proposed gateway improvements consist of concrete planters, landscaping, accent lighting, and an irrigation system. These improvements are designed to remain clear of the petroleum impacted southeast corner to facilitate remediation options when cleanup is scheduled by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which is paying for this work through the petroleum cleanup program.
The CRA has bid the construction and proposals were received on August 5, 2008. Staff has reviewed the bids and determined a final ranking, which is included in the backup to this item. Anglin Construction Inc. submitted the lowest bid, $312,300.00, and is recommended for approval to provide construction services.
Fiscal Note
$335,000 has been budgeted in account 9999-621-W918-W01. The CRA project number is ERAB-06-SC-2007.
Executive Director to CRA: 1) Approve ranking of contractors with Anglin Construction Inc. as the lowest responsive bidder; and 2) authorize the Executive Director to authorize any and all necessary documents for the purchase of professional contracting services for the Eastside Gateway Project.