Park and Ride Lot Agreement
Park and Ride Lot Agreement
The City of Gainesville has received a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation to demonstrate express bus service from the Oaks Mall to the University of Florida campus. The University of Florida is providing all of the local share for the demonstration grant. This is the agreement with General Growth Management, Inc. agent for the Oaks Mall Gainesville Limited Partners, which is the owner of the Oaks Mall, to allow the use of the South Parking Lot as a park and ride lot. The UF Express Service is scheduled to begin service on Monday, August 17, 1998.
Fiscal Note
The City of Gainesville will be applying for a FDOT park and ride grant for the maintenance of the area to be used for the park and ride lot. Staff estimates that it will cost approximately $20,000 to reseal and restripe the parking lot every three years, as called for in the agreement.
The City Commission: 1) approve the park and ride agreement; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute the same after approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.