Bid Award for Evergreen Cemetery Grounds Maintenance (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to authorize the bid award to Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. for the grounds maintenance of Evergreen Cemetery in the amount of $54,186.
The Cultural Affairs Division issued a request for bids for grounds maintenance at Evergreen Cemetery. Twenty-four (24) vendors attended the mandatory pre-bid conference, with fourteen (14) vendors submitting bids. This was a best-evaluated bid. Staff considered price, past performance of Bidder (references), length of time in business, experience with cemetery grounds maintenance, equipment to be utilized, and location. Based on these criteria, Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. was ranked number one at a price of $54,186. Grounds maintenance work at Evergreen Cemetery is complex, with 53 acres of graves, monuments, coping and irrigation that requires a high degree of expertise and sensitivity. Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. has seventeen years (17) of experience performing grounds maintenance at Evergreen Cemetery.
Fiscal Note
Funds in the amount of $54,186 are available in the FY 2009-2010 Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs, Cultural Affairs Division Contractual Services budget.
The City Commission: 1) award the contract for grounds maintenance at Evergreen Cemetery to Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. for a one-year period with the option to execute four (4) one-year extensions; 2) authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the contract; and 3) approve the issuance of a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $54,186 per fiscal year, subject to funding availability (for the initial term and any subsequent extensions).