Purchase Order for Roofing Replacement and Repairs at Systems Control Center (B)
Request for Quotations were sent by Utilities Purchasing to three (3) prospective bidders with two bidders responding. The bid was awarded based on the lowest, responsive bid. A bid tabulation is attached for your reference.
The GRU Systems Control Center building roof has failed. Historically, this roof has been patched repeatedly and such a repair is no longer effective or feasible. A new roof is required to protect the mission-critical infrastructure, equipment, and systems housed within the Systems Control Center.
The City Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Poole Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. for replacing and repairing the roof on the Systems Control Center building located at 4322 N.W. 53rd Avenue in the amount of $27,449.00 for the Facilities Maintenance Department.
Fiscal Note
Funds for the project are budgeted in the FY2003/2004 budget.
Prepared by: David E. Beaulieu, AGM-Energy Delivery
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager