Citation Module for Gainesville Police Department - Request for Purchase Order to Sungard OSSI's (B)
This item requests the City Commission to authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order for a Mobile Citation Module and the ensuing Annual Maintenance Fee.
Sungard OSSI provides a Mobile Citation Module product used to capture data from the written state citation form. Gainesville Police Department uses the Sungard OSSI Records Management System. With the purchase of the Mobile Citation Module we will maintain total integration of our current records management system data and also the integrity of our Master Name Data Base.
Fiscal Note
Funds in an amount not to exceed $61,600.00 for this expenditure are available from forfeiture funds, account number 109 810 F116 5210 6006 Gainesville Police Department's Wireless/Technology Project approved in May 27, 2003 by the City Commission.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission authorizes the City Manager to execute a Purchase Order to Sungard OSSI, a specified source, in an amount not to exceed $61,600.00 for the purchase of this module.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission authorizes less than $61,600.00 for the Mobile Citation Module with the understanding that this will drastically limit the police department's ability to manage its Records Management Database.
Alternative Recommendation B: The City Commission denies funding.