Regional Utilities Committee Referral Item #071064 - Project Share (NB)
On March 24, 2008 the City Commission referred the issue of developing some ideas for increasing citizen involvement in the Project Share Program to the Regional Utilities Committee. The item was discussed on June 10, 2008 and July 9, 2008. At the February 11, 2009 RUC meeting staff gave an update on the status of the initiatives that had been undertaken. Mrs. Nona Jones, Community Relations Director, reported that the goal for FY 2009 is a $12,000 increase over FY 08 results ($78,335.57) for a total of $90,335.57. As a result of a number of internal initiatives, $3,720 has already been raised towards the $12,000 goal.
Staff will continue to work with the various community groups and organizations to increase donations to this fund. The Regional Utilities Committee recommends removal of this item from the referral list.
The City Commission approve removing this item from the referral list.
Prepared by Nona Jones, Community Relations Director
Approved by Bob Hunzinger, General Manager
Submitted by RUC