Roam Towing Fee Reduction (NB)
On February 28, 2005, the City Commission referred the "Roam Towing Fee Reduction" to the Public Safety Committee. The Public Safety Committee heard from Superior Towing staff, as well as other towing companies and citizens regarding Superior Towing's primary request to decrease roam towing rates for all companies from $73 to $60 for the first 24 hours. The proposal also included establishing laws requiring proof of service on additional charges on a roam tow invoice, additional enforcement for certain requirements, and dissolution of the Towing Advisory Board, replaced with other methods of public education.
After much discussion, the Public Safety Committee agreed that some of the issues addressing charges or complaints of services not being performed could best be addressed by the Towing Advisory Board and requested that City Attorney staff convey that to the Towing Advisory Board. The Committee approved a motion to report this item out to the full City Commission with no action recommended, pointing out that the responsibility of the Commission is to set the maximum cap for roam towing, and if a company wishes to set a lower rate, they have the ability to do that without government permission.
The City Commission accept the Public Safety Committee's recommendation to take no action on this item and remove this from the pending referral list.