Yard Parking (NB)
The City Commission referred to the Community Development Committee the issue of whether the City's yard parking regulations, which require all parking on single-family properties to be on defined driveways, should be expanded beyond the University Context Area. The original yard parking restrictions were based on the greater amount of yard parking (parking off of driveways) in the Context Area as compared to the rest of the City. As part of the referral discussion, planning staff conducted a field survey of the neighborhoods along the northern and northeastern edge of the Context Area, from the existing northern border of the Context Area (generally Northwest 8th Avenue) up to Northwest 16th Avenue. Staff found that there is no statistically significant difference in the amount of yard parking in those study areas as compared to the City overall.
The Community Development Committee decided, based on these results, not to expand the regulated area at this time. Instead, the Committee recommends that the CRA continue to fund street improvement work including, sidewalks, curb, gutter and driveway aprons and that GPD take a role in enforcing on-curb or over-curb violations.
Fiscal Note
The Community Development Committee to the City Commission: 1) recommend that the City Commission refer to the CRA the general issue of incentives for curb, gutter, driveway aprons and associated stormwater in order to improve the overall infrastructure situations; 2) refer to the City Manager, for the Police Department, the enforcement of on-curb or over-curb violations; 3) recommend that the PST's to go door-to-door to pass around leaflets with regard to illegal parking; and 4) remove this item from the referral list.