Bid Award - SW 2nd Avenue from Main Street to 13th Street Construction Project (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize the bid award to John C. Hipp Construction and Equipment Company for the SW 2nd Avenue from Main Street to 13th Street Construction Project for Milling, Resurfacing, Landscaped Median Islands and Roundabouts in the amount of $ 3,279,382.80.
On June 29, 2006, the City's Purchasing Division solicited bids for the SW 2nd Avenue, from Main Street to 13th Street Construction Project for Milling, Resurfacing, and Landscaped Median Islands. The project was bid without roundabout (Base Bid) and with roundabouts at SW 10th and 12th Street intersections (Alternate Bid). Two (2) firms responded with bids. John C. Hipp Construction and Equipment Company was the lowest responsible, responsive bidder in the amount of $ 3,279,382.80 that includes the roundabouts.
The roundabouts and median islands include landscaping, irrigation and lighting systems. The roundabouts are being funded through the University of Florida Campus Development Agreement specifically for increasing roadway capacity.
Fiscal Note
The funding for the project is available from the following sources: (1) $431,513 from the First Florida Governmental Financing Commission Series 2002 bond proceeds (2) $753,733 from the First Florida Governmental Financing Commission Series 2005 bond proceeds and (3) $900,000 from the August 2006 Campus Development Agreement. The balance of the 3,279,382.80 bid construction costs will come from the proceeds of the 2007 $1.5 million bond issue for roadway reconstruction approved by the City Commission as part of the 2007-2011 Capital Improvement Plan.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) authorize the bid award to John C. Hipp Construction and Equipment Company for the SW 2nd Avenue from Main Street to 13th Street Construction Project for Milling, Resurfacing, Lan...
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