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Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 3/18/2009 In control: Public Safety Committee
On agenda: Final action: 2/7/2013
Title: UNDERAGE PROHIBITION IN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS (B) Ordinance No. 0-07-121 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, creating a new Article III of Chapter 4 of the Gainesville Code of Ordinances entitled "Underage Prohibition in Alcoholic Beverage Establishments" which restricts patronage of persons under 21 years of age in alcoholic beverage establishments under certain conditions; providing definitions; providing criteria for issuance of an Underage Prohibition Order; providing for an administrative hearing; providing exceptions; providing penalties; amending section 2-339 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the civil citation table of applicable codes and ordinances; providing for injunctive relief; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
Attachments: 1. 070941c_HospDistsArticleDrft_20081028.pdf, 2. 070941b_RespHospInstNotes_20081215.pdf, 3. 070941c_RespHospInstNotes_20081215.pdf, 4. 070941d_RespHospInstNotes_20081215.pdf, 5. 070941_UnderageProhibitioninABE_20090115.pdf, 6. 070941aresphospinstnotes_20081215.pdf, 7. 070941_letter_20090115.pdf, 8. 070941_MOD_PPT_20090115.PDF, 9. 070941_UnderageProhibitioninABE -2nd_20090205.pdf, 10. 070941_MOD_GRAY_MEM_20090115.pdf, 11. 070941_MOD_ZELLER_LET_20090115.pdf, 12. 070941_let_James Gray_20090205.pdf, 13. 070941_ordinance_20090205.pdf, 14. 070941a_VendorTrnAgnda_20090318.pdf, 15. 070941b_AlchLessonPln_20090318.pdf, 16. 070941c_GDOTTrespProg_20090318.pdf, 17. 070941-1880_001.pdf, 18. 070941-1881_001.pdf, 19. 070941-1882_001.pdf, 20. 070941-1883_001.pdf, 21. 070941-1884_001.pdf, 22. 070941-1885_001.pdf

Ordinance No. 0-07-121
An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, creating a new Article III of Chapter 4 of the Gainesville Code of Ordinances entitled "Underage Prohibition in Alcoholic Beverage Establishments" which restricts patronage of persons under 21 years of age in alcoholic beverage establishments under certain conditions; providing definitions; providing criteria for issuance of an Underage Prohibition Order; providing for an administrative hearing; providing exceptions; providing penalties; amending section 2-339 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the civil citation table of applicable codes and ordinances; providing for injunctive relief; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.

The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

At its meeting of February 25, 2008, the City Commission referred to the Public Safety Committee the issue of underage drinking in the City's Hospitality Districts. The Public Safety Committee in reviewing this issue found that Gainesville's Hospitality Districts (College Park and Downtown) contain many establishments which are bars. Some of the bars only allow patrons inside who are 21 or older while others admit patrons who are 18-20 and give them a different indicator (e.g. wristband or hand stamp) that identifies them as unable to purchase or consume alcohol on the premises.

Several initiatives through the City of Gainesville and the Community Redevelopment Agency (the Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership) have focused on reducing the sale to and service of alcoholic beverages to underage patrons in these establishments. At the same time, the Gainesville Police Department and Gainesville Fire Rescue have found continued problems related to the safety and security of the hospitality dis...

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