Resolution to Support Urban Watershed Restoration Authority Bill (B)
House Bill 00830.001 Urban Restoration Authority would authorize the United States Army Corps of Engineers to conduct studies and construction of projects that have the dual purposes of improving the aquatic ecosystem of urban streams and lakes and improving the quality of life of the residents of the urban watersheds. This Authority would authorize the Corps of Engineers to conduct multi-purpose restoration projects that may include establishment of recreational facilities and the prevention of stormwater pollution. Many of these activities are currently carried out under existing Corps authorities; however, these programs are specialized and non-integrated. The proposal would authorize $40 million in Corps projects, with individual projects limited to $7 million, and a 35 percent non-federal cost share. The House version of the Bill passed early this year. The Senate is expected to review the Bill in mid-June.
The Hogtown Creek sediment control and aquatic ecosystem restoration project would fit well within the constraints of this Authority. If the Bill were to pass, the City could proceed with an application for federal assistance under this program.
Fiscal Note
None at this time.
The City Commission adopt the Resolution and authorize staff to send copies to all members of the City's federal legislative delegation.