Transit Development Plan Final Approval
Transit Development Plan Final Approval
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) requires that a transit system update a transit development plan (TDP) each year by June 30 to maintain its eligibility for state transit block grant funds. The TDP outlines the development of transit in a community over a five year period. This year's TDP was considered a major update since there have been many changes made to the transit system serving the Gainesville urbanized area over the past year. The TDP was prepared by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) under an interlocal agreement between the City and the University of South Florida. The TDP was endorsed by the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO). The TDP has been reviewed by FDOT and has been found consistent with its guidelines. At this time, staff is asking for the City Commission's final approval of the TDP.
Fiscal Note
A TDP must be approved by the governing board of a transit system to maintain eligibility for FDOT transit block grant funding. The City Commission acts as the governing board for public transit in the Gainesville urbanized area. During FY 1998, the City received some $693,000 in FDOT transit block grant funds.
The City Commission: 1) receive a presentation from staff on the Transit Development Plan; and, 2) approve the plan.