Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program (NB)
The Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant Program will provide funding to States and Territories to enable and enhance public safety agencies' interoperable communications capabilities. The PSIC Grant Program is a one-time formula-based, matching grant program intended to enhance interoperable communications with respect to voice, data, and/or video signals. PSIC provides public safety agencies with the opportunity to achieve meaningful and measurable improvements to the state of public safety communications interoperability through the full and efficient use of all telecommunications resources. The Florida Division of Emergency Management acts as the State Administrative Agency for the application for, approval of, contracting for and monitoring of these funds.
The City's funding request will be part of a regional application that will be reviewed and prioritized by the Jacksonville Regional Domestic Security Task Force and the Statewide Interoperable Communications Committee will prioritize all projects approved at the regional level for inclusion into the investment justifications that are part of the State of Florida's application. The City of Gainesville will request 102 portable radios for the Gainesville Police Department that will replace current out of date units. The City Commission previously approved Gainesville Fire Rescue and the Public Works Department's request to apply for portable radios as part of the same grant.
Fiscal Note
The required 20% cash match required is $83,150.40 and is available through CIRB 2005.
The City Commission: 1) approve the request to apply for PSIC funding for portable radios for the Gainesville Police Department; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute any grant related documents following review by the City Attorney as to form and legality.