The Purchase of Real Property - Southwest 40th Boulevard (B)
This item is a request to approve and authorize the purchase of Real Property associated with the extension of Southwest 40th Boulevard.
The extension of Southwest 40th Boulevard from south of Archer Road to the extension of Southwest 47th Avenue is on the list of Capital Improvements for the City. In 2016 the City entered into an agreement, the County Incentive Grant Program Agreement, between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and Alachua County. Road construction plans have been finalized and real estate negotiations have been successful. Prairie View Trust, the fee title holder of the transmission line easement area, has agreed to donate title to the easement area, approximately 11.45 acres, for construction of the right of way. The Trust has also agreed to sell the City adjacent property, approximately 3.5 acres, for stormwater retention and grant a Conservation Easement over 5.31 acres of land to mitigate the wetland impacts that will result from construction of Southwest 40th Boulevard.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available from the Public Works Southwest 40th Boulevard Project Funds.
The City Commission: 1) approve the purchase of the stormwater retention and Conservation Easement area from Prairie View Trust; and 2) authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement to Purchase, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.