Contract and Issuance of Purchase Order for Herbicides (B)
Contract and Issuance of Purchase Order for Herbicides (B)
Vegetation Management purchases herbicides for chemical vegetation control on GRU rights-of-way, substations, power plant sites and other GRU properties as may be required. Vegetation Management has implemented an aggressive herbicide program for its rights-of-way to cost-effectively control long term costs for vegetation control.
While the program is aggressive, it is sensitive to environmental and wildlife concerns. As such, the Vegetation Management department was awarded the best managed rights-of-ways in the United States in FY 97 by Project Habitat and is endorsed by a number of wildlife management organizations.
Purchasing sent an Invitation to Bid to three prospective bidders with two responding. A bid tabulation is attached for your reference.
The City Commission authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract to Helena Chemical for herbicides for GRU's Vegetation Management department for FY 99 in an amount not to exceed $37,000.00.
Fiscal Note
funds for this purchase are included in the FY 99 O & M budget for Vegetation Management.
Prepared by: Tracy F. Maxwell, Vegetation Maintenance Manager
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager