Public Waterways Designation Agreement for Potano Paddling Trail (B)
This item involves a request for the Mayor to execute a Public Waterways Designation Agreement for Potano Paddling Trail.
On November 6, 2008, the Gainesville City Commission adopted a resolution in support of state designation for the Potano Paddling Trail. The Potano Paddling Trail provides a variety of experiences for paddling enthusiasts in North Central Florida, with a trail that alternates between narrow creeks and open water, and passes though hydric hammocks, cypress sloughs, wet prairie and marsh habitats. The City's inclusion in the agreement is to permit the use of Palm Point Nature Park on Newnan's Lake as part of the paddling trail access points. This will also allow the placement of signage or a kiosk, subject to the City's approval, for information about the paddling trail.
Designation of the Potano Paddling Trail as a state paddling trail does not carry any additional regulatory authority, boating restrictions, or enforcement responsibilities. Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) is stipulated in the agreement as the "Project Manager," and ACT indicates there should be no cost to the City.
The attached agreement requires each of the four parties to sign; Alachua County and Alachua Conservation Trust, Inc. have already done so. The City is the third party; should the City elect to sign the agreement, all originals will be sent to the fourth party, Office of Greenways & Trails of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, for their signature to complete the process. One signed original will be returned to the City of Gainesville.
Fiscal Note
Execution of this agreement will have no fiscal impact to the City of Gainesville.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to execute the agreement, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.
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