Amendment of Contract with Jay Reeves and Associates (B)
The CRA entered into an agreement with Jay Reeves and Associates for services related to the Model Block project. These services include rehab services under the Supplemental Agreement and new construction services under the second Supplemental Agreement. The timeframe for the work under the contract has been longer than anticipated and the contract needs to be extended in order for the work to be completed.
At present, two of the historic homes have completed construction and two additional historic homes will soon begin construction. As the CRA has moved forward in completing construction of these homes the amount of time needed for construction observation has increased, and there has been a need to amend the construction plans. In addition, fees for services have been increased. In order to address these changes, the contract is requested to be amended to increase the maximum fees for construction observation services for the remaining rehabs (Site C and D) to $4,000 per site, which is an increase of $2,800 from the original agreement.
Fiscal Note
The amount for construction observation services is requested to be increased by $2,800 from the Model Block Account.
Executive Director to the CRA: Recommend the amendment of the Model Block Contract, the Supplemental Agreement, and the second Supplemental Agreement with Jay Reeves and Associates, under the same terms and conditions as the original contract, to reflect the new fees and additional $2,800 for construction observation services.