College Park Neighborhood Redevelopment - Inadequate Sewer Capacity (B)
In 2007 the City Commission approved modifications to GRU's extension policies for funding large gravity sewer system improvements within CRA districts. GRU Staff identified approximately $15.5M of sewer main improvements that will be necessary to accommodate redevelopment efforts within the CRA districts through 2027. Applying GRU policies (previous to the change adopted by the City Commission in 2007) to pay for gravity sewer improvements in the downtown core would have resulted in GRU paying for approximately $4M of the required improvements with developers paying approximately $11.5M. The policy change authorized by the City Commission in 2007 provides a funding mechanism by which GRU will pay a larger proportion of the costs for improvements to gravity sewer trunk mains needed to support redevelopment in the CRAs. Applying this policy change, GRU will pay approximately $9.9M of gravity sewer upgrade costs, with developers paying approximately $5.5M. GRU applied a uniform connection charge to all new wastewater customers to partially fund increased GRU expenditures.
GRU Staff has more recently been working with Developers in the College Park and University Heights area to identify water and wastewater improvements needed to support redevelopment in that area. Developers have raised the possibility of using available CRA funding to cover some portion of the cost of infrastructure improvements that will be funded by developers under the new policy adopted by the City Commission in 2007.
The Regional Utilities Committee: 1) Receive an update on the Urban Core Redevelopment Area Wastewater Collection Master Plan developed in 2007; 2) Receive a report on recent discussions with Developers in the College Park and University Heights Neighborhoods on projected redevelopment efforts and infrastructure improvements required to support such efforts; ...
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