Addition of Two Assistant Operations Managers in the Public Works Department (B)
Two Assistant Operations Managers are needed to increase managerial performances to enhance operational activities within the Public Works Department.
As a part of restructuring the Public Works Operations Division, a job audit reports that the existing organizational hierarchy needed to be reorganized. The proposed additions will enable the department to perform more efficiently. The job duties of the proposed Assistant Operations Manager encompass assisting the Operations Manager and functioning on a managerial level to provide continual operational enhancements within the department.
Fiscal Note
This reorganization results in no additional FTE's. The net cost of adding these positions is approximately $10,000 and is covered in the FY2007 budget. In FY2008, this restructuring of Public Works provides savings to the General Fund of approximately $189,000.
The City Commission approve adding two new positions of Assistant Operations Manager, Pay Grade M7, and adding this position to the Occupational Index.