Thomas Center 100th Anniversary (B)
This item involves a recommendation from the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee to the City Commission regarding plans being developed to celebrate the Thomas Center's 100th anniversary in 2010.
At the May 7, 2009 City Commission meeting, Commissioner Hawkins brought forth the issue of recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Thomas Center. This matter was referred to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works (RCAPW) Committee, requesting that the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department provide detailed information about the plans.
During subsequent months, staff held meetings with the Thomas Center Associates to discuss possible events and promotional activities. The last meeting included representatives from the Maddox Foundry who are interested in assisting with the anniversary celebration. A draft schedule of events was developed and presented to the Board of the Thomas Center Associates at their meeting on September 8th.
On September 10th, staff presented information and a proposed schedule of events to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee.
Fiscal Note
The Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs has experienced budget cuts the past few years that have affected the department's ability to provide new events and programs. Expenses for the Anniversary Celebration will be kept to a minimum, utilizing existing program budgets. Partnerships and sponsorships will also be solicited.
RCAPW Committee to the City Commission: approve the proposed schedule of events developed to celebrate the Thomas Center's 100th anniversary in 2010 and remove this item from the RCAPW Committee referral list.
Alternate Recommendation
Provide other direction as appropriate.