Approval of the Annual Maintenance Contract (B)
Three years ago the CRA moved to an ongoing maintenance program within the College Park University Heights, Downtown and Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street CRA areas. The contact includes sidewalk sweeping with a "green machine," litter pickup, landscaping maintenance, and graffiti abatement. The services are provided two days a week in College Park University Heights, two days a week in Downtown and one day a week in Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street.
The scope of work for this contract was reworked with the help of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs and was recently re-bid. There was one response to the bid request, Oasis Landscaping. Oasis Landscaping is the current vendor and has done an excellent job over the past three years. The work required covers a number of services and that diversity of work may be why there was only one bid. The total bid is $65,648. This is a reasonable increase in cost from the last contract based on the increased services required, and falls within the CRA's budget.
Earlier this year staff was asked to explore the possibility of these services being provided in house. After several meetings with Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs and Public Works it was determined that it would cost $170,000 to provide the services in house. The in-house cost reflects the purchase of equipment, the addition of staff and the required supervision for that staff.
Fiscal Note
The cost of this service is $65,648 annually, split between the three areas with CPUH and Downtown paying $26,259 each and FAPS paying $13,130. Each area currently has fund budgeted for this project.
Executive Director to the CRA: Recommend the approval of the contract with Oasis Landscaping for ongoing maintenance services.