Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Program, Grant Agreement IR049, Tumblin Creek Improvement Project (B)
This item is to request approval by the City Commission to execute and enter into a grant agreement if awarded, and any other necessary documents with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) under the Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Program.
An application to submit for funding under the Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for damage from Hurricane Irma was approved by the City Commission on June 18, 2020. The Notice of Intent to award from the DEO was received on January 22, 2021. The City was notified on October 1, 2021, that a Notice of a Substantial Amendment to shift the Hurricane Irma Round 2 Rebuild Florida Infrastructure Repair Program projects from CDBG-DR to CDBG-MIT (Mitigation Program) had been approved HUD.
The project will address significant erosion damage in Tumblin Creek near Depot Avenue and SW 6th Street incurred by Hurricane Irma near a neighborhood comprised primarily of multi-family structures and condominiums. The improvements will provide for long-term structural integrity of the stormwater infrastructure and mitigation of future erosion.
Strategic Connection
Goal 2: Sustainable Community - a normal priority item.
Fiscal Note
The grant is funded at 100% - no grant match is required.
The City Commission adopts the Resolution, which authorizes the City Manager or designee to execute and enter into a grant agreement if awarded, and any other necessary documents with DEO pertaining to this grant, subject to approval by the City Attorney or designee as to form and legality.