Citizen Comment - Robert Pearce - Street Lights Causing Road Glare (B)
This item seeks City Commission approval of the Community Development Committee's recommendations on this pending referral.
At its August 18th regular meeting, the Community Development Committee reviewed and moved forward on this pending referral.
Citizen Robert Pearce provided the Committee examples of lights affixed to existing City/CRA utility poles that did not appear to adhere to City regulations. After review by the Committee, the Committee recommended the following: 1) the CRA review existing fixtures; 2) GRU review existing utility poles; 3) Code Enforcement review any outstanding Code violations; 4) Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs review its inventory of lights; and 5) Building Inspections review its procedures regarding the issuance of electric permits.
Community Development Committee to City Commission: 1) send the City Manager and General Manager of Utilities the issue of lighting glare violations to be resolved by GRU, Parks and Recreation, Code Enforcement and the CRA directing them to take appropriate steps to resolve light glare trespass regarding existing lighting inventory on private and public property; 2) direct Building inspections to review its procedures regarding the issuance of electrical permits for lighting; 3) report back findings to the City Commission; and, 4) remove this referral from the CDC pending referral list.
City Commission to CRA: 1) the CRA review installed inventory of fixtures and street lights for issues involving lighting glare violations and report back to the City Commission on findings.