Release of Easement and Partial Release of Easement (NB)
Release of Easement and Partial Release of Easement (NB)
In 1988, several public utility easements were acquired by the City from The Crom Corporation to provide utility service to a tract of land located in the 100-400 block of Tower Road which was being developed as the Tower Hill Professional Park. Since that time the ownership of the property and the configuration of the development have changed. These changes have necessitated the relocation of underground electric facilities and, therefore; the release and partial release of several of the public utility easements which covered the electric facilities.
This request for the release and partial release of the public utility easements has been reviewed and approved by staff. It was confirmed that no water, sewer or gas facilities exist within the area of the proposed releases. The relocation of the electric line was coordinated with staff, new public utility easements were acquired as needed, and the relocation of the facilities was accomplished at the owner's expense.
The City Commission: 1) approve a Release of Easement and a Partial Release of Easement of public utilities easements; and 2) authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to execute the Release of Easement and Partial Release of Easement, substantially in the form on file, subject to approval by the City Attorney.
Prepared by Patricia A. Moore, Utilities Administrative Services Director
Submitted by Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager