Reclassify and retitle RTS Transit Maintenance Supervisor to Transit Maintenance Manager (B)
The position is being enhanced beyond the current vehicle maintenance and repair in the City's Regional Transit System. Additional management responsibilities have been added to this position including facility maintenance, analyzing work activities, assisting in labor negotiations, assisting in preparation of vehicle specifications, development and maintenance of policies, procedures and safety plans, preparation of maintenance budget and preparation of vehicle specifications, development and maintenance of policies, procedures and safety plans, preparation of maintenance budget and preparation of requests for proposals for maintenance procurement. A review of current benchmark market data supports reassignment to pay grade 70.
Fiscal Impact
The annualized fiscal impact of this change is estimated to be $5,900. Funds are available in the RTS operating budget.
City Commission approve reclassification and retitle of Transit Maintenance Supervisor pay grade 66 ($30,802 - $46,320) to Transit Maintenance Manager, pay grade 70 ($35,947 - $54,058).