Force Main and Reclaimed Water Main Crossings at the 9800 Block of SW 24th Avenue by Jack and Bore (B)
GRU W/WW Systems has ongoing Capital Improvements Programs (CIPs) that provide for enhancing the reliability and redundancy of the existing wastewater force main and reclaimed water main systems. The project provides for extending a 16-inch force main beginning at SW 24th Avenue and SW 91st Street and extending to SW 8th Avenue and SW 122nd Street to allow for offloading flow from the Newberry Road force main system. Also, a 16-inch reclaimed water main will be extended in parallel (joint trench) with the force main to allow for constructing a back feed to the southwest reuse system for enhancing service reliability and meeting growing demand. This CIP project includes construction by GRU crews of approximately 15,000 feet of 16-inch force main, 9,000 feet of 16-inch reclaimed water main, and 100 feet of 8-inch reclaimed water main; however, this agenda item only covers the jack and bore costs.
In order to construct the force main and reclaimed water main crossings at the 9800 Block of SW 24th Avenue three (3) jack and bores are required. GRU has received the required Alachua County Public Works and Florida Department of Environmental Protection construction permits.
Invitations to bid for this work were sent by Utilities Purchasing to the two jack and bore contractors in the area capable of performing large diameter bores. The lowest responsive bid was submitted by Blevins Road Boring, Inc. The recommended approval amount includes contingency funds in the amount of $15,000 for the existence of unfavorable soil conditions (rock) in the field which may require rock removal. Unit pricing for rock removal was obtained as additional pricing in the bid. A bid tabulation is attached for your reference.
The City Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Blevins Road Boring, Inc. for construction of...
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