Gainesville Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration (B)
This item requests the City Commission provide authority to the City Manager to accept funds awarded by the State of Florida and execute all related documents.
The State of Florida Fiscal Year 2008-2009 General Appropriations Act provided the City of Gainesville $500,000 to fund a portion of the Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration project. This project was included in the City's 2008 State Legislative Agenda and was supported by members of the Alachua County Legislative Delegation who were instrumental in acquiring these funds. The overall scope of the Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration project is to meet TMDL limits for Sweetwater Branch and Alachua Sink. The project includes upgrades to the Main Street Water Reclamation Facility and the reconstruction of a portion of the wetlands within Paynes Prairie to return them to a natural state and act as a filtration system for the water flowing onto the Prairie via Sweetwater Branch and into Alachua Sink. The Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration project is a collaborative effort between the City of Gainesville Public Works Department and Gainesville Regional Utilities. The grant award requires matching funds of $500,000.
Fiscal Note
Adequate funding is budgeted in current Wastewater and Stormwater Utility capital improvement plans or existing multi year accounts to provide the required match for the respective shares of the $500,000.00 grant.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to accept the grant award in the amount of $500,000 and execute all related documents following approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.