University of Florida Design Build Studio for the Northwest 5th Avenue Neighborhood (B)
The Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street (FAPS) Redevelopment Advisory Board heard a presentation from Richard Blakeslee, a graduate student from the University Of Florida School Of Architecture. Mr. Blakeslee is proposing a design build studio similar to programs in New Haven, Connecticut and Lawrence, Kansas. Mr. Blakeslee would work with the City Housing Division to identify a home buyer for the house. Mr. Blakeslee would then design the house with the owner and work with groups like Dignity and the UF School of Building and Construction Management to build the project. Mr. Blakeslee will ask the City of Gainesville to provide a lot for this project.
The Advisory Board was very supportive of the project.
Fiscal Note
None at this time.
The CRA request that the City Commission support the design build studio by providing an appropriate piece of land in the Fifth Avenue District.