Local Housing Assistance Plan - Fiscal Year 2002-2005 (B)
The Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) was prepared for the City's participation in the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program, in compliance with Section 420.907, Florida Statutes and Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code. The SHIP Program is implemented and administered by the City's Housing Division. The LHAP describes program activities and management plan for the utilization of funds through public/private partnerships to develop and preserve affordable housing in the City. The LHAP addresses affordable housing needs in the community such as home ownership, housing rehabilitation, new construction, rental activities, down payment assistance, mortgage foreclosure intervention, and special needs housing. The LHAP will provide affordable housing opportunities for eligible residents within the incorporated areas of the City, except as may otherwise be provided through the Inter-local Agreement with Alachua County. The LHAP is submitted as stipulated by the State and has been revised by staff to reflect community needs, availability of funds and public input.
The LHAP covers State Fiscal Years 2002-2005. Two new program strategies were included: 1) a Fence Program for Cedar Grove II, to provide grants to eligible homeowners to install privacy fencing for security and to maintain a uniform and aesthetic look for the development; and 2) a New Rental Construction Program, included for consideration by the City Commission to provide, a program to assist developers to build new affordable housing rental projects. The New Construction Rental Program would begin in FY 2003-2004, and will provide a local government contribution (via a competitive basis) to qualified developers to stimulate the construction of new affordable rental housing units for very low and low-income households.
Fiscal Note
The LHAP has been prepared based on the Florida Hous...
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