Local Option Gas Tax (B)
The Alachua County Commission, as part of the interlocal agreement for funding RTS Route 35, requested that the City Commission agree to a distribution formula should the County impose an additional local option gas tax. During the City Commission Goals meeting of February 19, 2001, the Commission requested that staff present a briefing on the local option gas tax during the March 26, 2001 Commission meeting. This presentation will be an updated version of the staff presentation made on August 30, 1999, when Alachua County was also considering levying an additional local option gas tax.
Fiscal Note
Based on information provided by the State of Florida, the City staff projects that an additional 5-cents local option gas tax will annually generate approximately $5,050,000 in Alachua County. State law requires that the tax proceeds be distributed among the County and the municipalities located in the County.
The City Commission hear a presentation from the City Manager and staff on the local option gas tax and provide direction for the negotiations with Alachua County concerning the distribution formula.