Approval of Contract and Issuance of a Purchase Order for Wood Pole Inspection and Groundline Treatment (B)
Approval of Contract and Issuance of a Purchase Order for Wood Pole Inspection and Groundline Treatment (B)
The purpose of wood pole inspection and groundline treatment is to extend the useful life of wood poles by locating and treating rotten wood by systematic inspection and preservative treatment of wood poles, as required. This maintenance is preventative in nature and is designed to stop or retard groundline pole rotting. Wood pole inspection and treatment reduces replacement costs by lengthening the life of poles which are structurally sound.
Invitations to bid were sent by Utilities Purchasing to two (2) bidders with both vendors responding. The award of the bid was based on the cost of pole inspection and historical inspection levels. The recommended not to exceed amount is based on the anticipated requirements for this fiscal year. Staff believes that the volume of pole treatment will be greater this year due to the locations targeted for inspection. A tabulation of the bids received is attached for your information.
The City Commission authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute a contract with Osmose, Inc. for wood pole inspection and groundline treatment and approve the issuance of a purchase order to Osmose, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $60,000.
Fiscal Note
Funding for wood pole inspection and groundline treatment is included in the Operation and Maintenance portion of the budget.
Prepared by: John Tisdale, Manager Electric Transmission & Distribution
Submitted by: Michael L Kurtz, General Manager