Contract for Janitorial Services (B)
Janitorial service is required for various GRU facilities which includes general cleaning, trash removal, floor and carpet cleaning and related services.
Ten prospective minority businesses were invited to participate in the Request for Quotation for the Main Street Water Reclamation Facility, Electric System Control and the Springhills Service Center. Six companies attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting and walk-through of the facilities with all companies submitting quotations. Annette Thomas Cleaning Service was the low bidder for all three facilities. A tabulation of the quotations is attached for your information.
There are five other minority-owned janitorial businesses with contracts for FY 2001, however; none exceed the threshold requiring City Commission approval prior to award.
The City Commission authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract with Annette Thomas Cleaning Service for janitorial services at the Main Street Water Reclamation Facility, Electric System Control and the Springhills Service Center, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, in an amount not to exceed $30,120.
Fiscal Note
Funds for these services have been included in the FY 2001 Utilities budgets.
Prepared by: Ruth H. Davis, Purchasing Manager
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager