Request to Change Park Name (B)
This item involves a request to change the name of Westside Park to Albert “Ray” Massey Park.
On February 28, 2005, the City Commission referred the matter of naming City parks, recreation areas and facilities to the Recreation and Cultural Affairs Committee. The Committee forwarded their recommendations to the Commission on June 16, 2005. The City Commission adopted the Committee's recommendations at their August 8, 2005 meeting.
The general policy states that either the City of Gainesville Public Recreation and Parks Board or Nature Centers Commission would be responsible for recommendations to the City Commission regarding approval of all names of parks, recreation areas, facilities and centers managed by the City of Gainesville's Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department.
At their February 18, 2009 meeting, the Public Recreation and Parks Board received an application to change the name of Westside Park to the Albert “Ray” Massey Park. The application was accompanied by a petition form that included the signatures of over 500 city residents as required by the approved policy. The Board approved the petition unanimously.
Mr. Albert “Ray” Massey was a long term Director of the City of Gainesville Recreation and Parks Department. At his retirement in 1987, Mr. Massey had given 24 years of professional and passionate service to develop quality parks and recreation programs in Gainesville. Thanks to Mr. Massey's dedication, our community today has an excellent system of parks and recreation programs for its citizens. In the year 2000, the City Commission created an annual volunteer service award in his honor. The Albert “Ray” Massey Citizen Volunteer Award recognizing citizens whose volunteer service best reflects Mr. Massey's vision. Mr. Massey passed away in September 2006.
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