Florida's Electric Reserve Margins RUC Referral Item #070487 (NB)
This was a referral to the Regional Utilities Committee.
At the September 24, 2007 Commission meeting a referral was made to the Regional Utilities Committee (RUC) to explore the issue of when GRU Customers should be informed of the potential for power shortages. On January 14, 2009, the RUC received a presentation from GRU's Control Area Services Manager on the regulatory systems and processes in place to address capacity and fuel emergencies. These plans have pre-arranged thresholds for public notifications, in particular for pending fuel shortages, and GRU has pre-arranged public service announcements to be used in conjunction with these plans. Conformance is a requirement of the Florida Regional Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) enforced by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) under the auspices of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
The City Commission remove item #070487 from the Regional Utilities Committee referral list.
Fiscal Note
Prepared by Bob Hunzinger, General Manager
Submitted by the Regional Utilities Committee