Disposition of the RUC’s Outstanding Referrals (B)
At the November 19, 2015 City Commission meeting, the Commission approved an ordinance to create a Utility Advisory Board. Once the board has been fully seated, the Regional Utilities Committee (RUC) will be eliminated. At their January 14, 2016 meeting, the RUC reviewed their outstanding referrals to determine which items could be removed and which should be assigned to the new Utility Advisory Board once they’re seated.
1) The City Commission remove the following items from the RUC Outstanding Referral list:
130755 - Electric Utility Market Restructuring
140951 - Wastewater Winter Max Billing
150323 - Tracking Effect of Utility Rates on Customer Energy Usage
150611 - Schedule Workshop & Invite Rest of City Commission Regarding Draft GRU Governance Bill
2) The City Commission assign the following items to the Utility Advisory Board:
130812 - GRU Electric Wholesale Sales Strategy
130957 - Energy Supply Planning (2020)
150371 - Penny Per Kilowatt
Strategic Initiative 6.2 - Develop Community Partnership for Long-Term Clean-Up & Revitalization of Cabot/Koppers Superfund Site & Surrounding Neighborhood