The City of Gainesville Housing Action Plan (Finalized Draft) (B)
On February 18, 2021, the City Commission gave a directive to create a Housing Action Work Plan in support of the City of Gainesville's Housing Action Plan (GHAP). The purpose of this item is to present the summary of the GHAP, the internal work plan and various municipal examples of housing affordability programs. The GHAP is a five-year proposal that has been operationalized via an internal process or Housing Action Work Plan (GHAWP) that involves various city departments. Both documents seek to successfully address the availability of affordable housing in the City; to establish protocols and standards of affordability in all housing discussions; and, to set expectations and requirements related to new construction initiatives throughout the City.
Over several years, city leaders, the Office of Housing & Community Development (HCD), along with other City departments, and the Florida Housing Coalition (FHC), have collaborated to engage the Gainesville community in conversation about neighborhood and area housing needs. Outreach included meetings with community partners as well as industry associations and related networks to incorporate a multi-sector approach toward the development of a comprehensive housing plan.
The finalized draft of the Gainesville Housing Action Plan (GHAP) provides a framework as the city moves forward in support of affordable housing strategies.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact at this time.
The City Commission approve the scheduling of a special meeting to hear the Housing Action Plan.