CRA Project Summary (NB)
As a regular informational item on CRA agendas, Staff provides a brief update on selected referrals, redevelopment projects and development agreements under review. This monthly update is typically a limited sampling of the CRA's many on-going projects, as opposed to a complete list.
CRA Wide
CRA Sustainability Policy - This project is in process and has been assigned to a staff team. Initial research has been completed and a draft is underway. The target delivery date is February 2009.
CRA Website - CRA will begin a marketing program to promote the website. Additional web content is being developed.
Parking Study - Parking consultants have completed on-site data gathering, including parking demand and turnover counts. The consultants will analyze this information and will provide preliminary to findings to Staff in early December. Public input continues to be an important factor in this study, and the consultant team remains available to discuss parking issues with any interested citizen.
University Avenue Medians - All permits and maintenance agreements have been approved. Bids have been received and a contactor recommendation is on this meeting's consent agenda.
University Avenue Improvements - The improvements extend from NW 20th Terrace to Waldo Road and consist of new waste receptacles, planters, and benches. The FDOT has approved the permit and executed the maintenance agreement. The CRA is negotiating the price of installation with Joytech Construction. It is now projected that the improvement installation will begin in November.
Southeast Gainesville Redevelopment Initiative - The City accepted the Special Area Plan from consultants at the May 12th City Commission meeting. CRA Staff has met with the City's Community Development Dept. and the City's Attorney's office to finalize the document in order to begin the process of incorporation into the L...
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