Junior Fire Academy Program (NB)
In April 2003, the Gainesville Fire Rescue Department's Fire Safety Management Division inaugurated its first Junior Fire Academy (JFA). The program is for middle school youth ages 11 to 13. It is a four-day curriculum of fire science - including fire theory and firefighting techniques, investigations and inspections, peer education and physical conditioning. The program has since been expanded to five days and incorporates emergency medicine, emergency communications, and field trips the Airport fire station and the Combined Communications Center. To date, 58 students have completed the program and continue to participate as peer instructors and volunteers in GFR-sponsored public education events. Current JFA graduates include students from Ft. Clarke, Westwood, Mebane, Lincoln, and Howard Bishop Middle Schools.
The ultimate goal of the JFA is to instill an increased level of self-esteem and self-reliance, improve knowledge of life safety issues and skills, promote fire and life safety at home and among peers, and to experience the many possible careers available in the fire service.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission: 1) recognize accomplishments of the Junior Fire Academy graduates; and 2) present graduates with their Junior Firefighter badges.