Ad Hoc Steering Committee on University Neighborhoods (B)
At the August 14, 2000 City Commission meeting, the Commission asked staff to look into available dates and a tentative schedule for an ad hoc committee to develop and implement a vision for further stabilization of the neighborhoods surrounding the University of Florida. Commissioners Chestnut, Nielsen and Hanrahan expressed interest in serving on the ad hoc committee.
Staff suggests the following schedule, based on available dates:
September 18, 2000 - Overview of issues and recap of programs and ordinances adopted by the City to date
October 16, 2000 - Review of programs adopted by other university communities (emphasizing partnerships between residents, the City and the university)
November 20, 2000 - Discussion of possible approaches in Gainesville
December 18, 2000 - Development of recommended programs
January 29, 2001 - Finalize report on recommendations
February 19, 2001 - Report to Commission and Commission action
Fiscal Note
None at this time. Any homeowner incentive programs and neighborhood improvement programs will require expenditure of City resources.
Hear a report from staff and take appropriate action.